Nowadays most children lash out at their parents if their
demands are not granted. They throw tantrums all the time and it seems as if
their demands are never-ending. It’s understandable that peer pressure is a
major cause of such behavior, however, parents also willingly agree. Moreover,
this attributes to a great extent to parents’ affordability and that they
cannot devote much time for the children. Further, a recent survey revealed
that 70% of 13-18 year olds agree to deceit to attain success. If this is where
the value system has reached, how is one going to cultivate morality in their
child? What has happened to the current generation? Where are the kids who used
to be happy playing ludo, carom, chess, monopoly, scrabble and other simple and
family board games? Even dolls are not liked by little girls these days.
Everyone wants to play with complicated and expensive games. I remember we used
to play gulli-danda, pittuk, hide& seek, dark-room and other similar local games,
hurt ourselves and be blissful. Why are such games unheard of today? Thankfully
atleast, some local kids play simple versions of badminton and cricket on the
streets and parks instead of spending that time with the computer, TV or video
games. Moreover, friendship has become more virtual that real. Greeting cards
are hardly bought, leave alone drawn and painted by the children. And then
again I was quite taken aback to come across a children’s salon in one of the
malls. It looked more fashionable that an adult’s salon. Are these kids made of
a different matter altogether?
Truly the society has metamorphosed greatly. This is evident
in the advertisements and commercials. The products, the attitudes, the
expressions tell us that simplicity and innocence are passé. One can only
survive if one changes oneself in thought, word and deed. Also the current
songs, movies, TV serials portray a similar picture. Brands are the need of the
hour-- for adults and children alike. Aggression, rudeness, impolite behaviour,
arrogance, intolerance, impatience, dishonesty, etc. are the current behavioural
traits. Perhaps that’s why we hear of road rage, serial killers, frequent mass shoot-outs
of innocent people, kidnapping by children etc. everyday. Cheating, killing, and
robbing are commonplace nowadays. People are ready to boast at the drop of a
hat. And none bats an eyelid when they observe a misdeed. Every negative action
seems to be acceptable in today’s world.
Who is to blame for all this? Why has it come to this? Is
this how we intended to see our future evolve? I feel there’s still time and
scope to change for the better and correct ourselves if we pay attention, think
positively and understand the dent that we’re making in the society at large.
This is my appeal to all to continue the good work of cleansing our culture,
and to help bring back those who have moved away from the right path.